2020. 3. 18. 19:18ㆍ카테고리 없음

Mig33 For Pc Messenger Software For Mac Free
Submitted on 3/20/2016 Review title of LilyFunctional, but.On Win10, this app is seriously a rigamarole to use. It triggers maybe a hundred 'notifications' in the notification panel, but doesn't flash the taskbar when a message is received. Sometimes when it's been on for more than an hour, it'll make a noise to let you know a new message has arrived, but the chat onscreen won't update until you close the program and open it again. More than once, the font size has changed without me directing it to do so, and it seems like there's no way to prevent it.It does what it's advertised to do, but only just barely. It's lacking a lot of things that older single-purpose messenger programs have had since the dark ages of the internet.